Do you need something to look forward to regularly? You know, like a trip??? Where is your next trip scheduled? Do you have one? I love traveling. Who doesn’t? There’s nothing bad about it except I miss my dogs and if my boys don’t join me, I miss them too. When I get old I should probably get a trailer and travel around the world because if I don’t travel every three months I ... Read the Post
Treating Myself to Haven Conference in Charleston, SC
When one chapter closes…
When one chapter closes... another opens. it’s been interesting... feelings of “Oh, oh well!” then.... feelings of “OMG!!!” reminiscing about the birth of my babies in the house...reminiscing about my art room! seeing the “For Sale” sign in the front yard, driving by and wanting to go in, but then ... changing my mind... the feelings in my heart over selling my home are ... Read the Post
My son’s Painted Bedroom!
Painting my son, Troy‘s room, became more of an ordeal than I had hoped for. Remember the rug... Click on the Archives and you can read yesterday's post. Most would probably call me a lazy painter. If I was smart, I’d hire someone but I’m too cheap to do that because I know I can do it myself. The ordeal happened why? Because I hate the prep work. I get all excited once I have the ... Read the Post
My Son’s Bedroom remodel
Are you a fixer-upper fan? Are you fascinated by Joanna and Chip Gaines? Do you love shopping online at Magnolia Market? If so,I bet you’ve checked out Target and Pier One’s collection of Joanna’s goods too. Well, if your like me, you go to Pier One and Target every couple weeks just to check out the Magnolia Market line. Of course hoping that items have been discounted. About a month ... Read the Post
The Most Marvelous Moms!
Magnificent, marvelous, mothers ... it is time to celebrate! In just a few days Mothers around the world will be showered with May flowers and memoirs to say "We love you Mom, Mommy, Mama ..... (Did I miss any?) I actually think Mother's Day should be called Women's day. Why not celebrate all women! That uterus and all it puts us through should be reason enough to celebrate, don't you think? ... Read the Post
wow it’s wonderful wednesday
Hi Everyone! I almost can't believe it has been a week since I shared my knee story with y'all. This past week went by so fast...Wow, Knee SurgeryWow, Luke's First CommunionWow, Flower's from the husbandWow, Work, work and more work. I am so grateful to say that I am off crutches! Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers. God Is So Good! Laying around is a VERY difficult thing ... Read the Post