Hey there, Sweet Friends, Happy Spring! Today is the first day of Spring and so I thought it appropriate to share with you “What I love most about Spring!”
Spring reminds me of flowers and baseball! I love the first signs of flowers popping through the ground. I love watching my boys play baseball and bringing the pups to the ball park.
We are lucky that our baseball field is near LakeShore Park and so we have views of the lagoon. There are picnic tables so families can gather after baseball games for barbecues and fun!
Bringing the pups to the ball park is not just fun for me and others watching the game, but Troy is ensured an awesome greeting after his win or loss of the game.
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into what I love about Spring and how I am keeping busy with my boys, baseball and pups this Spring. What are your favorite things about Spring, leave a comment as I’d love to hear.