Sometimes furniture makeovers don't go so well, Sweet Friends. Today, on the blog I'm sharing a New Furniture Makeover with a Video, "Furniture Makeover using DIY Paint and Iron Orchid Designs and a Story about My Gratitude for Junk." This furniture makeover is a makeover times two. FURNITURE MAKEOVER STORY! Here's the story! Grab a cup of coffee and get ready. One person's junk is ... Read the Post
One Person’s Junk Is Another Person’s Treasure! And a NEW video on You Tube!
Subscribers and Followers – special request for 2019!
Hey there, Sweet Friends, Subscribers and Followers, today on the blog I am going to be sharing with you our newest photo shoot, my sweet family of five, and I have a special request for 2019. Subscribers and Followers = successful "new" business. I am so thankful you are reading my blog posts and I hope you will consider my request to check out my other social media venues. In order to ... Read the Post