Today is Part 4 of my “5 Steps to Restoring Thrift Store Items” series. This is a five-part video series to share tips for restoring thrift store items at home. I will be sharing all about A Maker’s Studio products.
Restoring Thrift Store Items with A Maker’s Studio Products
Restoring Thrift Store Items Video Series
I love to restore thrift store items, as it allows me to craft a beautiful life. Being a Difference Maker and enjoying the bragging rights is what I love to do.
A Maker’s Studio Launch
As you know, I am a Maker Boss for A Maker’s Studio and carry all of their products on my website. You can go here to shop.
Last month, I went to the Launch of A Maker’s Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. You can go here to read about my trip.
I will be sharing all about A Maker’s Studio products. Refurbishing second hand items. As you know, I am a Maker Boss for A Maker’s Studio and carry all of their products online on my website. You can go here to shop.
The Launch of A Maker’s Sudio Products was a huge celebration. I met so many amazing women and heard some very inspirational speakers.
I felt so blessed to be invited to Amy and Gene Howard’s home. The picture above was Amy and I at the beginning of the launch. Below are me and other Maker’s enjoy a fabulous time getting to know each other.
Restoring Thrift Store Items (next steps)
Once you clean your piece with furniture polish, you can paint with the Rescue and Restore Paint, no other prep is needed. In fact, A Maker’s Studio has a variety of Sealer’s, Waxes and Stains that can be used over the paint but none are required. The Rescue and Restore Paint has a built-in Sealer.
Once your piece has been painted the real fun begins. I love stenciling or gilding and today is all about gilding!
There are only three steps to Gilding:
- Find your piece and apply the Gilding Size and let it sit for about ten minutes so the Gilding can come to Tack.
- Apply the Leaf. A Maker’s Studio carries Gold, Silver, Copper and Variegated Copper. When applying the Leaf you should rub it into the piece which is a process called burnishing. The dictionary says, burnish means to polish something by rubbing.
- Final step is the take a Chip Brush and Brush the piece to remove the remaining Leaf that has not adhered with the Tack.
Not only can anything be gilded; wood, fabric, metal, glass, hardware, etc. but gilding can be used with our Adhesive Stencils as well.
Stay tuned for Part 5 (the final installment) of my “5 Steps to Restoring Thrift Store Items.”
Watch the video tutorial
If you’d like to watch my video, you can visit my YouTube channel; Cynthia Nessel – Create with Cynthia. Click here to watch this video on YouTube.
Thanks for following along! I look forward to seeing what projects you’re working on. If you have a project to share, you can post it on Instagram or Facebook and use the hashtag #CreatewithCynthia to share them with me.