Looking for ideas and inspiration on how to make your laundry closet more functional? Here are three things for a Laundry Closet Makeover!
Hey there, Sweet Friends, do you like doing laundry? Laundry is one of those things that you just can’t not do. Laundry is not my favorite activity, is it yours?
Me and laundry kindof have a love hate relationship. It’s not the doing laundry part I hate. It’s the folding and putting away part I hate.
Three Things for a Laundry Closet Makeover!
I love the smell of clean laundry. A clean pair of clothes, or a beautiful scented set of sheets on the bed brings joy to my life. Unfortunately, laundry piles up quickly with my family of five. Two growing boys get dirty!
Check out my video on Laundry Closet Makeover and Creating a Laundry Sign using Essential Stencils.
I decided to update my laundry closet to make it pretty. I was hoping it would motivate me to do the laundry.
Laundry Closet’s that have no storage can be tricky! The laundry closet in my home is super tricky because literally there is no where to store everything you need to do laundry.
I thought to my self. What’s a girl gonna do! I really have ignored my laundry closet and it’s lack of storage and functionality for months. I knew it was a problem, but I just did not feel like I wanted to deal with fixing it up. When HomeTalk challenged it’s HomeTalkers to update a space in there home, my laundry room came to mind. I was motivated by HomeTalk to fix things up with a challenge.
You can hop on over to HomeTalk, follow me and see my post there.
Hopefully, I’ll win the challenge!
Three Things you need for a Laundry Closet Makeover!
So, let me tell you what you need to make over a Laundry Closet that lacks any room for storage and supplies! All you need is three things!
Number one purchase a shoe organizer to hang on the door, number two purchase labels or name tags so you know what is in each compartment and number three make yourself a pretty laundry sign. Then, put it all together.
It’s made me feel alot better about doing laundry.
The Laundry Sign makes everything look extra pretty. Tips on Stenciling and a Laundry Sign shows you the DIY! It is super fun and easy to make. At the bottom of the post are links to create a similar look, a shoe bag organizer, labels and laundry signs.
Laundry Closet Makeover!
Of course I had to label all my pockets because I am teaching Troy to do laundry and sometimes he’s not sure which is the laundry and which is the fabric softener.
What do you think of my makeover, Sweet Friends?
I kind of have a thing about collecting old laundry stuff. The two iron’s were my grandmother’s. One of the iron’s does’t even come with a plug, now that’s old. Can you even imagine those days!
Nowadays, you can just pull out your cell phone, jump on the internet and schedule the Laundry Service to pick up your dirty laundry. Isn’t it crazy how times have changed.
I Repurposed a Shutter into a Table/Shelf . It was a fun project I did last month and you can read about it here. Now it holds all of my old irons and things. I also created a video on the Furniture Makeover – Repurposing Shutters into a Table or Shelf.
Now, I use Grove Collaborative for all of my personal care and cleaning product shopping. I’m on auto ship, so each month they remind me a week before my order ships and I can adjust my cart accordingly. You can click the link here and sign up as well.
Now go out there and create something.
If you’d like to fix up your Laundry Closet, these are the items you’ll need.
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