Happy Thursday, Sweet Friends! It’s Transformation Thursday … well kinda! Usually, I transform a piece of furniture, on Transformation Thursday, but today is a little different.
Today, instead of transforming a piece of furniture I am transforming my bathroom cabinets. Are you ready for this?
On Tuesday, I shared my Old Ladder Bathroom Storage Idea. The Pinterest Organization Challenge was so fun and there are so many ideas in the post you really should go check it out.
Bathroom Cabinet Makeover!
I hope you saw my project, but if you missed it don’t worry you can check it out here. That project, “Old Ladder Bathroom Storage Idea” got me thinking about the whole bathroom and how it really just didn’t look right.
My bathroom cabinets were nice but they were dark wood and it really didn’t match the ladder or my decor style.
I thought about painting the cabinets, but it seemed like ALOT of work.
I love paint, don’t get me wrong.
The Old Ladder Bathroom Storage Idea was so fun, but I just felt like my bathroom looked off. One side was old and vintage and the other was dark and modern.
But then I thought about self adhesive removable wall paper and when I found a roll on Amazon for $4.49, I could not click purchase fast enough. The roll I bought was 6.5 ft. x 1.47 ft. and I purchased two rolls.
In the picture above, you can see how nicely the old ladder (check out the mirror view) and the new cabinets blend together now?
I’m really enjoying the look.
This project took me less than thirty minutes and cost less than ten dollars and I am so in love with the results.
What do you think Sweet Friends?
I couldn’t help but to add my Spindle Tree to the wall. The Spindle Tree was completed right after Christmas. You may have seen it on Instagram. If you missed it, click here and follow me on IG!
I love spindles and since I had a bunch left over, I decided to create a Tree out of Spindle Legs. Doesn’t it look cute in the bathroom?
I had the Spindle Tree hanging in other parts of the house. It was fun to see it as I was walking into my bedroom, but…
I think the Spindle Tree has found it’s forever home, right inside my bathroom.
Here is the wall paper that I used for the cabinets. When I don’t want the look anymore I can just easily pull it off! You’ll see the link at the bottom of the post if you’d like to purchase some as well.
A $10 makeover that looks a million bucks. Crazy, right?
I’m so happy with the makeover and I am so glad my bathroom project is complete. Another box to check off my Year 2020 to do list.
What projects are you working on Sweet Friends?
Now go out there and create something.
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If you’d like to recreate a similar look here is what you need: